Acorn: a carbon removal system for smallholder farmers with Rabobank and Microsoft.
Transforming supply chains to prepare for the future

Together with Rabobank and Microsoft, we are working on Acorn, an agroforestry-led carbon removal system aimed at climate preservation, land renewal and food security. ACORN is the only project in the world that uses satellite technology to open the carbon market up to smallholder participation. By working with on-the-ground NGOs, farmers are paid directly from the sale of carbon credits generated by their activities. 80%+ of the sale goes to farmers.
At Satelligence we provide accurate and transparent satellite data to monitor carbon sequestration occurring through the increase of biomass.
An interview with Carbon Herald
The Acorn program can have a positive impact on farmers
Our CEO Niels Wielaard has released an interview for Carbon Herald about the role Satelligence has in Acorn Program and the project’s goals.

Plan Vivo certification
In early November 2021 Plan Vivo officially certified the Acorn framework and methodology. The certification process for the Acorn Carbon Removal Units (CRUs) will have ongoing oversight by Plan Vivo, in addition to formal reviews annually for ongoing development. Plan Vivo are the formal certification authority and will continue to work closely with the Acorn team, using their wealth of experience (gained over 20+ years) to ensure Acorn’s CRUs are of the highest standard and credibility.
Corporate Investments into Forestry and Biodiversity Summit takeaways
The sustainable business market has grown rapidly as regulators and consumers pressure businesses to account for the impacts of their operations.
This past October, the European Parliament adopted a resolution setting the groundwork for regulating deforestation caused by EU businesses. In April this year, a group of over 300 businesses called on US President Biden to commit to reducing carbon emissions by 50% by 2030.