Sat4Business: Agricultural advise, market information, and access to finance provided to cocoa and palm-oil farmers in Ghana
With Solidaridad, Akvo, Esoko, Financial Access, Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA) (Ghana).
Sat4Business G4AW project
Ghana is the world’s 2nd largest producer of cocoa globally.
The Sat4Business G4AW project is working to give Ghanaian oil palm and cocoa smallholder farmers a better livelihood. The programme seeks to achieve increased food production, income and job creation.
Sat4Business will support over 140.000 Ghanaian cocoa and palm-oil farmers to increase their food production, income, and job creation with the establishment of Sat4Business information products and credit support services. Farmers will receive information on market prices, weather, agricultural and agronomic tips, as well as get access to financial services such as pensions, insurances, and loans.
The Sat4Business project area constitutes about 90% of cocoa produced in Ghana (COCOBOD, 2015/16 production data) and accounts for about 86% of oil palm planted in the country.

Satellite Data for service provision
Sat4Business has carried out a comprehensive user requirements assessment consulting all stakeholder groups in the supply chain to establish the key geodata needs for improved smallholder palm oil and cocoa production, and credit risk analysis that satellite data can help to provide.
- Location and number of hectares, plantation size class;
- Planting age;
- Performance – number of trees, density (including open spaces caused by dead trees);
- Performance – nutrient deficiency, pest and disease, weed intensity;
- Productivity(t/ha);
- Historical and current deforestation at the landscape level;
- Landcover and biomass for high conservation value and high carbon stock area at the landscape level.
Seeing through the clouds
Satelligence delivers satellite-based insights on landscape level like crop growth, drought and inundated areas to our partners. They provide agriculture advice to smallholder farmers to enhance productivity and develop credit scores for lending institutions to increase farmers access to finance.
The Sat4Business consortium brings together seven public and private organizations, each with their own expertise. Satelligence collaborates with Solidaridad, Esoko, Akvo, Financial XS and the Ghana Ministry of Food and Agriculture.