We believe in the power
of collaboration

No one can tackle the global biodiversity and climate crises alone. We have to join forces. Also, technology is just tools in a toolbox. Tools exist to enable people to work and interact in the best way possible.

For years we have partnered with leading scientists, consultancies, and NGOs, including Wageningen University, WRI, Group on Earth Observations, European Space Agency, NASA, Google, Proforest, Quantis, SouthPole, Conservation International, Fairtrade International, and Solidaridad.

Our long-time involvement in many industry coalitions, initiatives, regulations and platforms means we can offer you first-hand expertise in shaping and setting international best practice standards. Achieving industry alignment and consensus.

Together we develop the industry standards and best practice in monitoring and sustainable sourcing, ensuring everyone can speak the same language and can work more efficiently across the sector.

Find out how we can simplify your sustainable sourcing transformation

Acorn: a carbon removal system for
smallholder farmers with Rabobank
and Microsoft.

Monitoring and mitigating labour, human
rights risks and environmental risks with

Supply chain mapping and risk assessment
to tackle deforestation with Sourcemap.

Landgriffon: helping companies future
proof their supply chains through satellite
monitoring and supply chain transparency
with Vizzuality and SEI.

SAT4BUSINESS: providing a better livelihood
for Ghanaian oil palm and cocoa smallholder farmers in Ghana.

Fighting the worm: forecasting pest risk to
avoid crop loss with Weather Impact.

RADD: Public Radar-based Deforestation Monitoring System with Cargill, Nestle, Mondelez, Pepsico & Other.

Let’s partner up to power sustainable
supply chains around the globe.